2020 wasn't the first time masks were used in a vain effort to prevent the spread of disease...
The Black Death,or bubonic plague , killed an estimated 25 million people during the fourteenth century and the ripples had a lasting effect on the continent’s population and economic development. The disease swept throughout Europe in a series of pandemics. In an attempt to stop the spread, many countries turned to plague doctors. They were usually hired from outside the city, due to the risk of contracting the plague themselves.
In order to diagnose and treat the disease, plague doctors would observe patients, listen to their symptoms and take their pulse. They would sometimes use purgatives, including bloodletting and sweat baths. Most of these treatments, although well-intentioned, were largely ineffective.
One of the most notable of these doctors was Schnabel von Rom, known as the “Plague Doctor of Rome” He used a special herbal potion, “theriac” or “treacle” to treat his patients.
He was responsible for introducing the plague doctor costume, which has since become an iconic symbol of the Black Death. The costume consists of a long, dark robe with a wide-brimmed hat and a mask with a long beak-like nose. The beak was filled with fragrant herbs and spices, which were believed to protect against the spread of the disease although it was more likely that it served as a symbolic gesture of his profession. The costume is still in use today, often seen at Halloween parties.
He advocated for improved public sanitation, which had been largely neglected up to this point. His efforts were largely unsuccessful and the plague continued to spread until it was finally brought under control in the mid-17th century.
Although unsuccessful, Schnabel von Rom and other plague doctors of the Middle Ages played a critical role in trying to contain and treat disease. Their efforts, although often misguided, demonstrate the desperate measures people were willing to take to protect themselves from the ravages of this deadly pandemic. Sound familiar?
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